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Chlorella is te vinden op

Organic Chlorella Yaeyama

Nothing is added and nothing is taken away

Organic Chlorella Yaeyama has for many years been at the forefront of bringing you the best nutritional green foods known to man. A lot of time and effort goes into sourcing products from around the world that we truly believe will add benefit to your lifestyle.

Chlorella Vulgaris is a blue-green algae, known to be one of the world’s most complete foods. It provides protein, carbohydrate and broad-spectrum vitamins, plus a wide range of minerals and enzymes essential to well-being. Chlorella is regarded a highly useful general dietary supplement that provides broad support for a healthy diet and amongst only a few of the algae’s that has a nucleus.

A nucleus in existence provides for the Chlorella Growth Factor which is made up of DNA and RNA (found in cellular nucleuses) both of which are extremely powerful healers aiding repair throughout the body. Chlorella is justifiably popular among people with active lifestyles or for those who want to promote on-going defenses against illness. A significant component of Chlorella is the green pigment chlorophyll, which is high in magnesium as well as being rich in protein.

Next, the tough cell wall is broken. While this is an aid to detoxification as it binds toxins to it as we digest the Chlorella, it also creates a barrier which reduces the amount of nutrients available from within the cell. The cell wall-breaking process does not damage the contents, but does make them bio-available. The powder is compressed into tablets by a leading GMP (Good Marketing Practice)-registered pharmaceutical manufacturer. GMP registration requires rigorous inspection by the MHRA (Medicine and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency), the government agency responsible for ensuring that medicines and medical devices work and are safe

Beschikbaar : 250gram tabletten - kilopak tabletten - kilopak poeder - 10kg bulk tabletten

The Production of Chlorella

Our Organic Chlorella is grown organically on an island in the South China Sea. Laboratory-cultivated batches grow and multiply by photosynthesis in cultivation ponds containing filtered natural water. Once it has reached the required density the Chlorella is harvested and dried by a process known as spray evaporation, which retains virtually all the available nutritional value while rendering the product into powder form.

The tough Chlorella cell wall is broken

While this is an aid to detoxification as it binds toxins to it as we digest the Chlorella, it also creates a barrier which reduces the amount of nutrients available from within the cell. The cell wall-breaking process does not damage the contents, but does make them bio-available.
The powder is compressed into tablets by a leading GMP (Good Marketing Practice)-registered pharmaceutical manufacturer. GMP registration requires rigorous inspection by the MHRA (Medicine and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency), the government agency responsible for ensuring that medicines and medical devices work and are safe.

We Ship All over Europe


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